Once again I’ve gone through a whole project and not posted anything, so here is my latest in reverse chronological order. The assignment was to do a bit of dialogue, and I chose a little snippet from millions. So here is my most complete version (which is still a work in progress). The hands are not finished in the fingers and the facial still needs a bit of work. Please bring it on with crits and comments, even if it’s the same thing I just said.

Dialogue test, work-in-progress

And here, are the steps I took to get here:

Dialogue test, polishing

Dialogue test, polishing

Dialogue test, blocking plus

Dialogue test, blocking plus

Dialogue test, blocking plus

Dialogue test, blocking

And finally,

Dialogue test, layout

And of course, it’s not an Animation Mentor project without some planning, which was, as always, invaluable!

Dialogue Planning 01
Dialogue Planning 02
Dialogue Planning 01

Like I said, crits and comments are welcome.